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should vaccines be given to children
in Science


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  • DrCereal said:
    Erfisflat said:
    Thank you for removing the unwarranted flags
    No problem.

    Can you please tell me why the first post you flagged as fallacious is so?

    This flagged it because you flagged my basic question, which was petty. And this flag?
    Pseudoscience: noun; a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

    Scientific method: noun; a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

    The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

    Wayne Dyer
  • "Your argument is still conditional. You're (if I gave numbers that satisify your argument) assuming that the unvaccinated population will remain steady. If a group of people stopped vaccinating their children, then the population of unvaccinated children would increase. Demographics are not static."

    This does not mean that the population of infected unvaccinated children would increase. I have already shown 3 vaccines here that are unnecessary because of eradication and there are populations that are not infected or vaccinated. Not only that but i showed that removing the MMR vaccine, for example, would decrease overall deaths and injuries.
    Pseudoscience: noun; a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

    Scientific method: noun; a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

    The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

    Wayne Dyer
  • Erfisflat said:
    DrCereal said:
    Erfisflat said:
    Thank you for removing the unwarranted flags
    No problem.

    Can you please tell me why the first post you flagged as fallacious is so?

    This flagged it because you flagged my basic question, which was petty. And this flag?
    The screenshotted flag was a mistake.

    "This flagged it because you flagged my basic question, which was petty"
    What? And what "basic question" are you referring to?
    Bis das, si cito das.
  • The problem with the consent argument is that we are talking about children who do not know better. If a kid wants to have sexual intercourse with anyone, that should not be allowed. If the kid's parents allow the kid to have sexual intercourse with someone, that is still not allowed. There laws are put into place because children do not know what is good for them, the same logic can be applied to vaccines. 

    There have been no studies that show that vaccines are bad for children, and multiple that demonstrate the positive benefits of it(1). The child might be able to contract a disease and be put at risk because he/she was not vaccinated. The problem here is not disease spread - it is the safety of a child. A nonvaxxed kid could get a disease from another nonvaxxed kid putting both at physical risk. The government has to step in if the parent is so incompetent as to willingly put their kids at risk, I would go as far as to argue that could be considered neglect.

    Of course if you are 18 and are a legal adult, I could not care less if you got a vaccine or not. I am a conservative and I believe government should stay out of health, but if we are talking about the safety of children, yes there should be regulations. you may find a list of studies affirming my claim:

     Here is my original post on why your consent does not make sense in the context of this debate. Of course, after going off on some tangent on how I somehow claimed that vaccines don't work, you expect that everyone forgot about this. Please address my point and do not go on some sort of nitpicking tangent. I flagged that post as a fallacy because you are comparing a medical vaccine to a forced sterilization vaccine. 

    On you point of diseases being eradicated. have you considered that so few cases are being contracted because of vaxes? of course not. Measles was considered eradicated, but it has made a comeback because of anti-vaxxers. Mumps in different college campuses got contracted, and that illness was also considered extinct. A chicken pox outbreak in India is speculated to start with a child who was not vaxxed.
  • Besides from some people who have allergic reactions to components in vaccines, I think that there should be mandatory vaccination.
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